We know that finances, retirement planning, and budgeting can be tough topics for many families.  That’s why Onecho Bible Church is excited to share a special gift with you: a free 9 week Ramsey Financial Peace University class!  Plus, you’ll get a complimentary year-long subscription to the Ramsey+ resources to help you on your financial journey.  If you are interested, please reach out to the FBC church office or contact Todd Kinley at twknley@msn.com or 509-553-9023
Starting September 15th at THE CENTER (Colfax Library) 102 S Main St, Colfax 
Childcare provided
Starting September 18th at COLFAX COMMUNITY CHURCH 109 S Mill St, Colfax
During the BLAST kids program at FBC



A common need in our church family, and at times, our community, is getting meals to people who have been sick, had a baby, or for many other reasons.  If you would like to be involved with this process, please contact Salome @ 509-553-1412.