Welcome to…. Grapple!
Grapple (3-6th grade) is based off of real questions that kids have about faith, relationships and choices that they have to make.  They will be searching the Bible to find the answer to their questions and build a faith foundation that guides them for the rest of their lives.
We are excited your student is here!  
Grapple General Schedule:
  • 5:45-6:00 – Youth to Sanctuary for check in
  • 6:00-6:25 – Opening and Large Group time (in Sanctuary)
  • 6:30-7:00 – Small Group time (split up by grade and gender – various locations)
  • 7:05-7:25 – Game time (entire 3-6 grades – in gym)
  • 7:25-7:30 – Closing time in fellowship hall (gym closed) – all kids must be picked up from this room by an adult, unless they have a signed consent form to leave on their own. Exit through main doors.
Dear Parents/Guardians, 
We enjoy meeting and being with your children each night! We are excited for this year with them. ALL youth please be picked up in the fellowship hall at 7:30. There are signs marking where to go. For safety reasons, it is necessary to have each child picked up by an ADULT (not older sibling) in the room where we finish.  If you choose, you may sign the above Alternate Pick-up Form and your child may be released to go on his/her own or with a sibling. This MUST be either signed and returned or digitally signed. We will not allow your child to leave by themselves without the signing of this form. We simply worry about the safety of each child. There is a lot of activity in the parking lot, and most nights it is already dark and late. We want to make sure each one arrives safely home. PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact any one of us (call or text) if you have any questions, concerns or have a last minute change for that evening. 
Shawna 509-288-1360 Salome 509-553-1412
Please fill out the Alternate Pick-up form above so that we know to release your child without you being present. Unless it is filled out, your child MUST be met by an adult each evening at 7:30 in the fellowship hall.


We anticipate a terrific year and want our kids and parents to know that it is a privilege to come to the program. There are a few things you need to know in order to help this year be successful for your child.     

  • Our schedule is above. Please be prompt.
  • It is a privilege to use God’s house and we need to respect it. (See expectations and consequences)
  • Our leaders are excited to share their evening with your child, please encourage your child to be respectful.
  • We only have 1 ½ hours, so we want to make the most of our time. Please encourage your child to leave their cell phone or any other electronic device at home.
  • Please take note of when we will not be meeting during the year. (Dates & other information is sent home via newsletters throughout the year.)
  • We use Group’s Grapple material for the 3rd-6th grade. Each student will receive a drawstring bag with their name on it. This bag holds their book and Bible and is to come to Grapple each Wednesday night. We are not able to replace lost bags.
Expectations and Consequences
Our desire is to run an effective program so that we can make the most of our time together with the kids.
We expect the following from each child:
  1. Obedience and cooperation
  2. Participation in all activities
  3. Courtesy to and respect for peers, leaders and the Lord’s house (especially while in the sanctuary during large group time)
  4. Have fun!
      It is our hope and prayer that each child feels welcome, loved and safe. If these simple expectations are met, we believe they will.
      Negative consequences
  1. Verbal warning to make a better choice
  2. Removal from the situation by a leader to work on a separate activity
  3. Game time privilege removed at the end of the evening
  4. Parent called to pick up child


      Positive consequences 

  1. Relationships built
  2. Verbal praise
  3. Rewards given

   We want to hear from you!

    Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions about any part of Grapple.

   We will get  back to you if you don’t reach us immediately. We are so looking forward to our year with your child!