Based out of Salt Lake City, Devon & Colleen, with their 4 young children, serve with CRU on college campuses. Their desire is to help build Christ’s true church by making disciples on these college campuses. There are very few Christians in the state of Utah.
Devon & Colleen are excited about what God is already doing in Salt Lake City! Thank you for your prayer and support. You are helping to build Christ’s Kingdom in Utah!
Please pray:
For staff during the school season. Pray lives are impacted and that seeds planted would grow and produce lasting fruit.
For Devon’s leadership of the Southern Rockies – for staff to feel supported, have good vision for their work, and there will be fruitful evangelism in this post-covid world.
Email: 406.274.3294
To support the Reoch’s financially, donations may be made through the following:
1) Cru website @
2) Submit a check payable to
FBC Missions, First Baptist Church, 200 N. Mill, Colfax, WA 99111.  
Please make designation known in memo.  Thank you!
All contributions are tax-deductible and are made with the understanding that FBC Missions (a ministry of Colfax First Baptist Church) has complete control and administration of the donated funds.